Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rankin Family Reunion

Today was the Annual Rankin Family Reunion! Dan was out of town, but that didn't mean me and the boys were going to miss the fun!
Here is Dan's parents and Dan's cousin Brian!
After our yummy Mexican food dinner, we talked and played a few rounds of BINGO!!
Here is Teresa (Tia) and cousin Sandra!!

The boys are sitting with Uncle Forrest!
On the fourth and final game of Bingo, Zach got a BINGO!! Woo Hoo! He got a roll of gold dollar coins! Way to Go Zach!
During the auction, there was a clown there for the kids! She did face painting and balloons! Here she is working on a helmet for Drew. She told him she was gonna "spruce" it up for him!
Looks good Drew!!
She made Zach a spear!!!
Drew was sooooo happy because he got his new knife at the auction. It is an eagle knife! (Just what he needed!) I hope an eye doesn't get poked out!!
This is cousin Sherrie and her daughter Rachel! It was good to see them in person and visit! We usually have to rely on FaceBook to talk! I also got to see a lot of family that I hadn't seen in a long time. Kids have grown up new babies have come along! It is good to see Granddad Rankin's sisters each year. They are all very special ladies. This year was a special one because the sister that lives in CA was able to come out and be with us. She is a hoot too! Of course everyone missed Dan, but we are glad we were able to go keep up with the Rankins!!
So of course I had to come home, find a comfy spot and blog about all the fun!! ha ha


Loyce said...

I love family reunions and to see family we haven't seen in years. Glad you got to go.

Julie said...

Sounds like tons of fun!

Laurie said...

What a fun, an auction, balloon hats! The Rankins know how to have some fun!!

Martha Jones said...

That reunion looked like so much fun! We haven't ever actually had a reunion in my family. Lar says they always have lots of fun at theirs. I might have to try to put one together sometime. :)