Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The goings on...

The boys come home happy from school each day! Today was the first day to switch classes for 5th grade and boy, did Zach have a lot to say about his Science teacher, Ms. Escalante. It sounds like the science class will be doing some experiments and even get to dissect a frog! Drew thought that sounded especially gross! Ha! So far homework has been low, so we are enjoying these days immensely!

Zach is ready to get his cast off, his arm is itching like crazy! Next week he will get a short cast, so that might be easier!

Our local HEB was roasting and selling fresh New Mexico Hatch green Chile this weekend. Dan and I bought a couple of pounds and I've been dying to eat some ever since! Tonight we are having green Chile stew. It smells divine, I hope it tastes as good!!

It seems as if we've been back to school for months already!! Thank goodness for the holiday Monday!!!!