Friday, September 26, 2008

It's off!

Zachary has been waiting for this day! He's not enjoyed wearing the cast at all! He is missing P.E. at school! So today was the long awaited day to get the cast off. After the Dr. looked at the x-ray he said "okay - two more weeks!" Zach and I were shocked! So I told the Dr. we thought today was the day to get it off...the Dr. looked at the dates Zach broke his arm..etc...and then said - "Okay, lets take off". After Zach got the cast off he was alittle unprepared for the weakness and pain to still be there; so he was a little disappointed. He almost wanted the cast back on!!! The doc. said they would evaluate him again in 3 weeks to see how he's doing and if he needs any physical therapy.

The moral of the story is...Don't break a bone!!!