Monday, April 6, 2009

A Favorite Thing!

For Christmas I was lucky enough to get a big ITunes gift card. (Thanks Mom!!) I have just now had time to get around to using it! Oh, it is so exciting to decide what music to purchase for my Ipod! But this card was pretty big, $$$, so I didn't really want to spend it all on music. I was thinking about getting a book, but couldn't find anything I wanted, so I asked the boys what I should get with it. Zach reminded me about the "Adventures In Odyssey" podcasts and wondered if I had any new ones for him to listen to. I was sooooooo glad Zach mentioned that! I went straight to see what ITunes had to offer in Odyssey Adventures. Together, the boys and I picked out several good podcasts and they were only $1.95 each!

Last night Drew listened to one of them and told me today that I should listen to it. So I put on my Ipod and listened while I rode my bike.

It was so incredible. As I listened I realized God used the little "adventure" to speak the exact truth I needed to hear into my ears. I was stunned. And not only by that, but by how God used both my boys to get me to hear it.

Needless to say, the boys and I will be picking out a few more "adventures" later!!

Thank you God!! Y



Laurie said...

That's awesome! The Lord knows just what we need and He is faithful! Love it!:)

Martha Jones said...

God is good. I am so glad you told that story. I needed to hear that! God always knows what we need and he uses his own awesome ways of telling us. Thanks, Yoli!

Joyce Becerra said...

Wonderful. How I praise God for his goodness to us!!!! I love you, Mom