Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cookies!! Part 1

I recently saw a stained glass cookie recipe in one of my magazines.  Oh, they were soooooo pretty!  I mentioned them to Drew and he wanted me to make them.  Years ago I had made some, so I was ready to do it again, this time making Christmas designs.  *I made the sugar cookie recipe from the Betty Crocker cookbook I have in my cabinet...(mistake #1)....
Drew diligently went to work breaking the candy and filling in the holes....
I rolled more and more dough to make our Christmas designs....
And .....
Our cookies did NOT turn out beautiful, as we hoped!  I realized that I did not make the sugar cookie recipe that comes with the design.  The delicious Betty Crocker recipe was not made for the 'stain glass' design....oh well.  We will TRY again soon!!!


  1. Arghhh! As a mom, this is not fun! I agree w/your mom, fun times together though! And, I thought you did a great job snapping pics before (like the one of the know me and blog pics)...I'll be following blog for Part 2, so don't leave me hanging!


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