We celebrated our 17th anniversary low~key this year. We just had a family day. It was fun celebrating with the boys. They thought it was neat that we have been married 17 years...
We went to lunch at one of our favorites...and it did not disappoint! We even had enough leftover to eat for dinner! (Thankgoodness, because eating here has gotten extremely expensive!!!)
After lunch we walked over to Barnes and Noble and
to shop! (my new favorite store!)
Then we went to see the new "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie in 3-D.
We spent time talking about the blessings God has given us these past 17 years (mainly Zach and Drew), laughed about good times and probably spent the same amount of money had we gone to a spa for the day! Ha! A great day celebrating life and love!! ♥
What a fun day together as a family.