Saturday, February 5, 2011

Winter hits Texas!!

Finally Snow!!! We got the message bright and early that school had been cancelled!!! The boys pretty much spent their day in front of the fire, going back and forth, outside to was very chilly outside. Wind chill was -2 at times!! Brrrrrr!!! Too cold to really even play outside in!

Here are a few of my favorite winter pictures!

Our dogs loved the fact that they got to come in and sleep in the garage! Once they came in, they never made a peep and slept the night away in warmth. ♥ But of course, had to make the chilly trip outside at some point...

We are glad we had a taste of winter! Next week we welcome back our spring like weather...

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated birthday!! Looks like it was a great one from your previous posts!! Hope ya'll are staying warm in the "deep freeze"!


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