Friday, October 23, 2009

Leaving New Mexico...

Dan and I made a mad dash to see mom one last time in New Mexico. She is all packed up ready to head to AZ this next week. It was sad to see her home filled with moving boxes. We have so many good memories at this house....oh-well. Now we ready to make new memories!!
Of course we had our last meal at Pete's! I was so silly and forgot to get a picture of the delicious food. Oh well, it wasn't on our plates very long!! ha ha!

On our way out of town we saw this! Beautiful New Mexico! We will miss you!

We also went to mom's to pick up this. I love this lamp so mom gave it to me! She has had it for 44 years! Her mom bought it for her! I never knew that, I just knew it reminded me of "home". Thanks Mom! I love it!
A BIG shout out to my in~laws for keeping the boys for us!! They had a great time with you! It was a treat to pick them up and see them playing football in your backyard! XOXO


  1. I LOVE New Mexico!I have heard that Arizona is a beautiful place. I will be praying that your mom has an easy move and smooth transition!

  2. Thank you so much Martha!!

  3. 3 more working days and she will be off. I am so excited for her.

  4. Wow! What a big change in your mom's life and ya'lls too! I hope she loves her new life in Arizona! What fun it will be visiting her and making new memories! I know that you will cherish that lamp! I am so glad she gave it to you...very sweet!!!

  5. Sad, yet exciting. New Mexico holds many memories for me also! I hope all goes smoothly with the move. Maybe we should plan a reunion in AZ sometime so we can make some new memories!!! Love ya!

  6. Yolanda. I can't believe your mom is leaving NM after all these years. I have such fond memories of her there. The Nixon clan will certainly miss her. I hope she has a terrific time in AZ. There are a lot of fun things to do there.
    Give her my best!


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