Friday, August 14, 2009


Today Zach got braces on! It is crazy thinking he is old enough for them!! He is one of the lucky ones that got all his adult teeth in early, so he was ready for them!! He is ready for 6th grade - starting in a week!!!!
Thought I'd post a pic of Drew...he's busy building with the Lego's he's buying with his birthday money!!


  1. Zach, you look good in your braces and contacts.
    Drew, you look good building with your lego.
    I love you both!!!!!

  2. Zach's teeth already look straight! He will have those puppies off in no time! Way to go Drew! Legos are fun!:)

  3. Thanks! Zach has a really large overbite, so that is the biggest reason for the braces!!

  4. Zach looks awesome in his braces! Congrats! I know both of my girls will have to have braces. I need to start preparing myself. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a fabulous time with Lar on Monday. I know she is really looking forward to it. =)


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