Wednesday, June 3, 2009


It finally happened! Dan and I went to dance lessons. Yes, dance lessons. And all I can say is "we should have done this sooner!" It was FUN! We learned the Merengue and Fox Trot or should I say we tried to learn! ha We will learn the Swing/Tango/Cha Cha/Waltz/Salsa/Rumba :)

We had planned to meet some friends there, but as time got closer, we could tell they (he) wasn't really into it, so we weren't too surprised when they didn't show up. But that's okay because I'm just glad we made it!

So far summer is going great. Possibly the best summer yet; and it's only just begun!! Y I hope your summer is going great so far too!!


  1. Dance Lessons! How awesome. I have always wanted to take dance lessons with Jas. You will have to post some pics of you guys. Thank you so much for the Birthday wishes. It made me feel so special!

  2. How fun, any Dancing with the Stars dances?

  3. I am impressed you got Dan to dancing lessons---I don't know about Travy! How fun! Can't wait to hear more!

  4. I hope you learn the waltz. It always looks so beautiful. Way to go Dan and Yolanda. I want to see pictures.


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