Friday, April 17, 2009

Flashback Friday

Easter 2003 - Palo Duro Canyon camping trip

This is one of my fav. Easter's ever. We went tent camping in beautiful Palo Duro Canyon.
We colored eggs and had a big hunt in a nearby park! The Easter bunny even found us out there! I love these days with my older boys, but I really miss these little faces!! Thank goodness for Flashback Friday so I can remember!!! Y


  1. How cute they were but oh so handsome now.

  2. Those are adorable faces! Love the collage! Ya'll are such an adventurous family!:) Love ya girl!

  3. What cuties! It's so amazing how fast time flies. Awesome Flashback Friday!!

  4. Ohhhhh how sweet! I sure love those guys.

  5. Two little cuties. I can't wait for them to visit me in Arizona in my new house. (Their parents are welcome too!) LOL.


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