Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring Break 2009! Let's Party!

No school for a week! You think they would look happier than that!! :)


  1. I don't know, Zach looks pretty excited!! Have a wonderful week---did you ever get to see a movie? We are going to try to take the kids tomorrow to something. It's been raining and sleeting here all day! Not a perfect way to start our Spring Break, but I guess it will have to do!

  2. Yoli, I heard from a little bird name Mom, that you guys might be going to see the new "Witch Mountain" movie. Back in the day, those were my faves! Do you remember seeing the very first movie in Washington with Aunt Loyce's girls?

  3. I used to love those movies too! Don't remember seeing it with the cousins. :( Wish I did! It was cute! I give is ***1/2 stars. maybe **** ha ha


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