Saturday, January 17, 2009

Basket Ball

This year the boys are playing UpWard Basket Ball. They've both played in the past, but this is the first year that the score is kept and it feels like a real game.

They are on different teams, but both teams are very good! Two games into the season, they have both won a game and tied a game. Today Drew's team came back from being behind and tied it up! It was very exciting.

Zach's coach is one of the best (so another mom said) and you can tell, because they play like a team! Wow! Very impressive! Today Zach had to guard a kid on the other team that he went to school with! It was great! Friendly competition!

In case you don't know UpWard Basketball; they have to learn a verse from the Bible each week and have a devotion during practice and half time and we play at local churches.

I'll post pictures soon!!!


  1. Go boys. Play hard and be good sportsman. I loved basketball.

    Your Uncle Glenn

  2. Healthy competition is good too! I'm all for it. Good job Zach and Drew. Love, Uncle Mike

  3. I want to come see a games for each. What is their schedule.
    Way to go Zach and Drew. Grammy loves you!

  4. How exciting! Sounds like a great basketball season in store for you guys!

  5. Cool! I love that they learn a scripture.


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