Thursday, September 4, 2008

New Cast

Yesterday Zach got his new short arm cast. This gentleman here put the cast on. He was so nice and funny! He was very interested in Zach and Drew - said he loved all kids. Sweet!

As the Dr. was leaving, I confirmed that Zach would not participate in PE until his arm is healed. The Dr. said "yes, no PE" Then Zach says "Can I do push ups??" The Dr. and I were so shocked to hear this question...and then the Dr. proceeded to tell Zach - "NO PUSH UPS!!! What do want kid? SURGERY???" Oh Zach, I love your innocence.


  1. Zach take care of your arm. I loved the red cast. Bet you can't wait to go swimming again.
    Drew I hope you are felling better.
    Love Grammy


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