Monday, July 14, 2008

Two Weeks

My boys and my beautiful purple bush! It is finally blooming and I love it!

The boys lovin' on Pluto before they leave...
Dan's parents are here to take the boys to NM to visit Grammy for a week!!! Isn't their new motor home gorgeous?? God is good!! The boys are thrilled about riding in it!
After a week with Grammy in NM, Lord allowing, the boys will go to CO with Dan's parents for a week! We will miss you boys!! But have tons of fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. How was the trip to Grammy's? Your boys are so handsome! What a beautiful family you have. Sorry I am a bit behind. I am trying to get caught up in the blogging world now that I have a computer and some free time! xoxoxo Heidi


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