Friday, July 18, 2008

This one's for you cousins...14 years ago!!!

Here we are back in 1994 - finally together again!! Ya'll were visiting mom in Belen NM.

FYI - Click on the pictures and they become bigger! (just incase you didn't know)

Mom and Aunt Loyce - 1994!!! I wonder if any of our kids will have twins??
This was in 1994 too - Julie, you were on a road trip with the kids...We loved seeing you all!! Julie you were so brave traveling alone with all the kids!! Way to go!!
Dan and I holding Wesley. He loves us! We love him!!! That was our first taste of a baby! We were just married! Can't you see the excitement in my face???
Love you all!!! Misty, thank you for reminding me of our first visits. I'm so glad I found my pictures to share with you all!!


  1. I love seeing these pictures. How cute. I especially love the ones of Dan, Yoli and Wesley. So funny!

  2. haha that is so funny. I loved them. I can't believe that was so long ago. We all look so lovely. :) Mom (Aunt Loyce) hair was adorable hehe

  3. I had the same thought on the hair! I love it! :) Thanks for the post! PS check your email for info on cherries.

  4. haha- that was Dan's comment too - he pointed to me and said "look at your hair!!" Nice Dan. :(

  5. I loved this post. I thought that about most of the hair in the pics. I don't think Dan is excluded in that!! Time flies by so quickly!!


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